1. Switch the unit to the “ON” position, a Green LED power light will immediately illuminate, indicating good battery condition and circuitry connectivity.
2. For power pole testing place the Sensitivity Switch to HIGH (to the RIGHT) and the Sensitivity Dial to the far RIGHT to position 12. This setting will also allow testing with the Modielive low frequency testing unit which is supplied separately. If applicable.
3. Confirm the low battery LED is still GREEN and continue to step 4. If the orange LED illuminates, replace battery before use or recharge NIMH battery with approved charger and repeat steps 1 – 3.
4. Press the Self Test button to check the unit is operating correctly. A repeating tone will be heard indicating a correct operation. A two second delay will occur between the self test operation and the normal unit detection operation. The GLM Mini is ready for operation.
5. It is recommended that regular checks using the self test function be made before and during the safe approach of electrical voltage testing.
6. Always hold the GLM MINI with your thumb placed on the indicated position with your arm outstretched. This allows maximum effectiveness and detection.
7. For the initial calibration procedure on a SWER system it is recommended that the minimum distance from the pole under test be 10 metres and stand directly below the conductor.
8. If trees are in close proximity or low voltage wires are below the SWER conductor, stand at right angles (still 10m from the pole) to the line and pole to enable the detection of high voltage.
Note: Electric fields from power lines can be disturbed and redirected by objects that are grounded. A tree near a power line will lower the strength of an electric field which may cause adjustments to the settings on the GLM Mini. Other factors which influence the electric field and the initial calibration setup include rainy and humid conditions. More information on hazards.
9. After correct test instrument procedure has been carried out, raise the tester above the head and adjust the sensitivity dial until the voltage in the line above is detected
Method: Placing your right hand on the tester as indicated use the other hand to move the Sensitivity Dial slowly to the left until the alarm is a strong and continuous sound.
10. If Tester does not alarm If over head mains cannot be detected by the GLM Mini at arm’s length at HIGH 12. It is our recommendation that with the self test function showing correct battery voltage and circuit operation, the self test function can then be used as a dependable correct safety procedure to approach the pole.
Note: If the sensitivity switch and dial are adjusted correctly to pick up the live conductors. A strong field would produce a switch setting of low sensitivity position and the sensitivity dial would be in a position suited, to the on site conditions. A low field would produce a switch setting of high sensitivity position and sensitivity dial would be in a position suited, to the on site conditions.
11. When the over head line conductor is located (by the activation of the alarm), lower the tester to chest height, at this point no alarm should be heard. The overhead field will be broken and the approach to the pole can be made. If the tester continues to alarm at chest height raise it above the head again and adjust the sensitivity dial one position to the left to desensitise it, then repeat step 11.
Method: By leaving the hand placed on the tester with the thumb as indicated, remove the other hand and lower the unit to chest height.
Note: When using the unit on power lines where lower voltage mains, i.e. 415V AC are beneath the HV conductors a null or dead zone will occur. To overcome this situation move out from beneath the HV line until the alert tone is heard.
12. Verify the calibration of the over head mains again to check voltage is still present and lower to chest height where the alert tone should dissipate. The tester should not alarm in this position or pole test will not be correct.
13. With the tester at arm’s length approach the pole to be tested.
Method: Whilst approaching the pole keep arm out stretched and your other arm beside your body; walk calmly and slowly towards the pole, to a point where the Test Area label is 25mm (1 inch) from pole. If the Tester alarms while approaching the pole, stop and raise the GLM mini towards the overhead conductors to make sure the GLM Mini is not picking up overhead field, if field is still broken above (no alert tone) proceed to step 15.
14. If the tester does not alarm there is no significant voltage running through the pole.
Method: At this point to verify results touch the pole with unit on the end marked Test Area only. The contact will increase sensitivity.
15. If an alert signal is heard do not panic but check your results proceed to step
Method: To check your results take a step back until signal has discontinued then take a step forward to verify activation of unit. Please note the further you are away from the pole and the tester is alarming, the higher the leakage in that pole. A set of calibration tables are available for switch positions and voltages if required.
16. Follow standard isolation procedures with a ten metre perimeter, assess the area around pole to ensure no conductive material have contacted pole. i.e. Fences, machinery and water, as where you are standing may be active.
Note: If a voltage cannot be detected by the GLM Mini at arm’s length at HIGH 12, then three possible situations can exist:
- The over head mains are not alive.
- The over head mains voltage does not have a strong enough field to be picked up.
- Low voltage mains are below the High voltage conductors causing a null.
In these circumstances it is our recommendation that the because the self test function checks battery and circuitry it can be relied upon (after the self test procedures have been carried out) that safe pole approach can be carried out.